How to get the most from your long wear liquid lipstick. This is a question that often comes us and even within a group of friends the same liquid lipstick will wear slightly differently.
It’s important to note that the length of staying power of a liquid lipstick does depend on a few factors;
- How oily your skin is
- What foods you eat during the time you wear the lippy (oiler foods like pizza, burgers, chips, oily salad dressings etc will speed up the removal of the liquid lipstick)
- And how many cute men you kiss! (just kidding ;) )
Here are a few easy steps to help with longevity of your liquid lipstick:
Prep Your Lips
This is a great step to remember and often times we forget that if we have moisturisers or pawpaw on our lips we are automatically shortening the wear time of our lipstick as we remove the opportunity for it to grab and hold onto our skin.
Scrub your lips to the perfect base using a sugar scrub or similar. Stardust Cosmetics don’t have a sugar scrub as yet so we love using Jeffree Star’s or MAC.
Line It Up!
Nothing helps boost a long wear liquid lipstick quite like a lip liner. Choose a shade that closely matches your lipstick (or be like me and I use a pink nude for everything because it matches my natural lip shade). Start by drawing an ‘X’ on the centre of your upper lip with the highest point reaching the two peaks of your Cupid’s bow.
Next continue to trace the outline of your lip shape and shade!
Layers! Not Just a Winter Hack
Apply, blot, repeat!
Our liquid lipstick is best applied in light layer if you want to lock in colour for longer. After gliding on our creamy formula over your lip liner base, touch up your edges if necessary, let dry for a few moments, gently blot the excess with a tissue or blotting paper then sweep on a second coat. (If I know my clutch is too small for the lippy or I don’t want to stress about it for the night, you can go for a third layer to give you ultra-vibrant colour and long wear).
Settle Petal
Our formula has been designed so that it can be malleable for a few moments after application so when you (me) goes outside the lines it can be fixed in a jiffy without ruining your foundation.
This being the case means that you’ll need to give your lippy a chance to fully dry before putting it to the test. We have tested a proven that about 2-3minutes is a great drying time after your layer application before it’s fully ready to go!
Don’t Shake It, Dust It!
Our amazing smelling Set & Forget powder isn’t just for the shiny t-zones. Use it to really lock in your lipstick!
Use a tissue and pull apart into the 2 (or 3) thin layers. Proceed to hold one of these layers over your lips and use our Set & Forget Setting Powder and a fluffy brush to sweep a small amount of powder over your lips. This will result in a small amount of powder transfers through the tissue to your lipstick.
The result? Lip colour that’s set in place!